Sunday, October 9, 2011

Val Senales, Italy

Okay so I know I promised pictures about a week ago however they take forever to load so it wasn't as lickity-split to post them as usual. Past the excuses, here is the trip so far... in pictures!

Classic airplane wing shot on the long haul from Pearson to Munich. I love flying into the sun for only on reason, it's so pretty! I'm not a fan of the fact that it means we got jipped on a nights sleep and now have to stay awake for another 12 hours. I managed to stay healthy on the way over...something I've had trouble with in the past.

Arriving in Val Senales was great. We stayed at a great little hotel called Hotel Piccolo and we were spoiled with the food and facilities. Italian Mama took care of us with great cappuccinos, espressos and home made pasta. The gondola was 30 feet from our door step and mountains all around us made for great afternoon workouts. This scene got me, like this gate it really going to keep us out. Maybe in the winter with snow...

Making friends! They paint the goat's back here for whatever reason and they were so friendly haha

The guys getting in some extra upper-body on a warm up run before a strength workout

The ski site at Val Senales. We had to hike down to the 3km long trail, and then take the chair lift up. We stood out like soar thumbs with our "skinny skis" and backpacks on the way up. Not to mention the days when we had two pairs of skis... no one would ride the chair with us! For the most part we had the xc track to ourselves that week.

A lovely view from my balcony in Val Senales

Team shot! Showing off our Rudy Project helmets and glasses. We went down the hill a bit to Plaus for a little rollerski altitude break one afternoon and got in some sprints.

This might be my favourite shot of the whole trip so far... Goooooo Jimmy! Please click to enlarge.

Getting buff.

Well, That pretty much sums up Val Senales. Next we took a rest day and stopped in Moreno on our was to Passe del Stelvio. I have documented the day and drive and will update you on that soon. I've decided to break down the posts since there are days here in Stelvio that deserve a post all on their own... ooo the anticipation...

That's it for now!
